//@LUHANLAND: LuhanBar has contact us, Thank you for everyone's help! We hope the disaster will end soon. #雅安加油# 希望大家都平安希,望一切不幸将会变成过去,希望美好的未来早日来临。雅安加油!四川加油!中国加油!//@TRUST仰望_Glory鹿晗: Deer Han has contacted the Thai station.展开全文
Hello, We're Thailand Fansite of Luhan, and we heard about earthquack in Sichuan and we really want to help the victims but we don't have China bank account or Alipay, only Paypal. Can any one help us? @朝鹿FORLUHAN鹿晗个站_御姐团@鹿晗吧_LuhanBar@KissLuHan-鹿晗中文首站转发 1评论 0