果然是本土化啊,明天的cross talk可以讲这个了 People give apples on Christmas Eve because in Chinese Christmas Eve is called 'Ping An Ye39; (which means quiet or silent night) and the word for apple in Chinese is 'Ping Guo39; which sounds similar.查看全文>>展开全文 原微博
吐槽狂魔今日亮点:1一女生讲她看了thegreatgatsby ww问for leo?女士们激动~ww不屑:he is old2一女生说她买报纸一个晚上赚400 ww斜眼:400 419?3i cant talk withbritsh man4i think n.korea doesnt have 滑雪场 5a bit of taiguile 6i dont speak any chinese.pi pi xia!展开全文 原微博
1y master coursein uk,rmb18-25w.......do not force me to go to this sort of lectures to hurt me........after i was scolded by my mum.anyway,it is good to have a native speaker to sale展开全文 原微博