"东亚各国也同时出现了去工业化的现象。比如中国。鉴于其世界制造业大国的地位,我们惊讶地发现制造业就业的份额不仅水平较低,而且还一直在下降。当然不排除中国统计数据有问题这一怀疑,数字显示制造业的就业人数在90年代中期达到高峰约15 %,之后一直低于这一水平。" china may lose its 工业 game展开全文
//@九维空间Sturman: 我靠,今年多少起类似事故了?不是地面塌陷就是输热管爆裂,这次来个更恐怖的[蜡烛]//@LittleSawerHoShunful: [蜡烛]//@Sunriselee: 太可怕了//@人民日报: 【事故已致35人死亡 166人受伤[蜡烛]】//共軍=人民战争+精神原子弹, fo far so good, top down, all enjoying it, still, go展开全文
回复@厚道人子: 1) HW model, underwritten by 林毅夫:中国以后发优势保持高增长, 人均国内生产总值(GDP)反映了平均劳动生产效率以及技术与产业的综合成果,因此可用于推算后发优势的规模; it is doable, & there is almost no alternative; 2) X model: 农地流转扩大内需, better, still "costly"展开全文
//@牛的海: 没有声音了? //@honorableddy: //@汉网微博: //@很想中国好: 俄军机四次靠近日本,官媒得意忘形。这个毫不给脸的举动却不敢吱声,想认俄罗斯干爹不容易//TGchina has to learn how to do long & short internationally, like X's short farmers long all others 国内版, 三中全会 model展开全文
for those jumping out of "Asian/Chinese brain 生物电子平均自由程" folks of abnormal variance: 1) system's "normal relaxation" should take care of them mostly, 2) if not, tell senior sys admin; 3) watch 外场 such as uncle sam, no fuss, then all ok, write a little check to CAS (:展开全文
human brain 1)likely "可见光的光子"能量范围约为1.62~3.11eV,2)波长大、能量小的光子易表现出衍射现象- herd mentality, Asian/Chinese culture of k yrs brainwashing, even for CAS folks 3) as such, Asian/Chinese brain 生物电子平均自由程 not a difficult problem for a 维稳 model展开全文
@LoneSchicksal: I do see big potential in 全球智能经济/biotech & health care 经济, more of growth/profit 渠道 for US private capital, with job creating problems still hanging on there; TG's goverment "political" capital 寻找新的寻租渠道=very tough, 农地流转 ok, 最后的晚餐?展开全文
回复@LoneSchicksal: thx! "改革是寻找新的寻租渠道"=寻找新的 profit making 渠道 for TG's goverment "political" capital (still kind of embedded in M2 etc) , vs US private financial/industrial capital looking for profit making 渠道 globally; they are all very busy, all facing 挑战展开全文
回复@Heapoverflow: 1) MIT Chomsky: "we have to assume that all language is a basic expression of the genes", just like" the basic character of the circulatory system is an expression of genes" 2) AI based 智能经济(some 政治 too) atop global internet: the emerging trend展开全文
//@聚焦观点1: 这就是他们的逆淘汰。//@伟荣P实说: //@桃源樵夫勿恨水: 在狼窝里坚持正义一定要先备好狼夾子,否则完了。//狼窝=politics in china, as it has been in past 5 k years; in US/west, "狼窝"拆迁到了 wall st,展开全文
it's not about "数十亿元", it is about TG's strategic need of a much more "red" baidu.com, a TG portal of china/world internet of ideology world: an another china day dream falling apart, after 数十亿元, & still going nowhere, 乒乓baby crying, giving up, finally, dad cutting loss展开全文
the beauty of 布尔巴基的那套代数化、公理化方法 is the beauty of the beauty, with those 著名古典代数曲线的形象 already beyond the comprehension of most of us, unfortunately, kind of like 爱因斯坦广义相对论, "广义相对论如果我不发现,50年之内也不会有人发现"。爱因斯坦太樂觀?展开全文
within this context, 0.8 white Russian & 0.4 white japan are in 2+2 talk, if not, Russian likely to be squeezed next by uncle sam in its energy trading game; & very likely, 天安门汽车 drama =an USA CIA operation, "zero dark", right before nov 三中全会, 贪官弹冠相庆, 军艺 party (:展开全文
4) now, feeling squeezed by market maker USA but with no international allies to help out hedging uncle sam's squeezing, with domestic debt bubble financed 土地财政经济 growth topping out, TG will very likely pay some 保护费 dollars to uncle sam, helping USA on its economy展开全文
//@仲裁员火中莲: [心][给力]//@苏拉密-孟凡贵: //@青鸾南飞: @苏拉密-孟凡贵 孟老师的微博一贯关注底层民众,自关注这么久以来都是为工人、农民!//农民=TG's risk free cash caw since day one, lasting for another couple of decades easily展开全文
"qe继续对于A股来说未必是利好", agree: TG/china=one of the worst 生產率 economy, TG has to reform big time nov meeting, or marx "on capital" 资本主义生产过剩=TG's nightmare, eventually, eating away TG's capital展开全文
//@花生余: //@易鹏: 明星离婚可能不关我们的事,但户籍改革关涉我们切身利益//=TG's 中国特色 political & economic system: its 能量 & growth have legs, global market is possibly re pricing china's growth story with expectation of TG's nov, market likes Dr L's offshore RMB/上海自贸区展开全文
china's real problem may be military corruption (even Mao did not touch military in culture revolution) , in a positive feedback loop, military corruption will feed into system corruption, eating away 林毅夫's china potential gdp 8% growth rate =李嘉誠 capital outflow of china?展开全文 原微博
回复@理性的白痴: recently some Wall street cut USA 潜在增长率 expectation by 1-1.5% to 2%(?), up adjusted china macro outlook a little, with that, nov TG meeting may throw out a few goodies, to further reinforce 市场预期 on china macro展开全文 原微博
回复@九维空间Sturman: "磁应力增长速度是磁场增长速 度的平方倍,50T 磁场,磁应力( Lorentz forces on electrons forcing them move in a direction perpendicular to the flow of current) 为 1GPa. 而当磁场达到100T 时,磁应力达到了4GPa", huge, us just did 100T, china 90.6T, great job展开全文