//@基督徒藝人加油站: Thank you for such an amazing performance! May God continue to bless you two! Really appreciate your courage! I mean, it really isn't easy at all!Can truly see the主角in the performance, our loving heavenly father! 願一切榮耀歸給我們天上的父!Amen!展开全文
好開心可以參加TVB“星夢傳奇”, 感謝Barney Cheng Couture 贊助的閃閃旗袍服飾!I was so happy 2sing with my amazing friend@王君馨GraceWong ! U r beautiful in&out! Join Grace & I tonight 10-11:30pm on TVB! Thx @phil20111 4hair & @SofaChan陳梳化 4makeup @EddyChengHin@張惠思Celine
昨晚大叔好比心機整返段片,Honey亦原諒大叔.And then,Oh my goodness! What is going on?Why Honey will suddenly change like this?? I want the cute and kindhearted Honey back!!之後睇返TVB weekly,thanks god!Honey只是用苦肉計.用心良苦祝Honey&Jazz百年好合@王君馨GraceWong@單立文展开全文
大叔好比心機整返短片,Honey亦原諒大叔.And then,Oh my goodness! What is going on?Why Honey will suddenly change like this?? I want the cute and kindhearted Honey back!!之後睇返TVB weekly,thanks god!Honey只是用苦肉計.用心良苦祝Honey&Jazz百年好合@王君馨GraceWong@單立文展开全文
finally bought it!!love the cover page very much!!it's look gorgeous this is the first time that i bought TVB weekly!because there has my favourite star@陳茵媺Aimee@HK7KateC展开全文