Just half way through an article on New Yorker by a Libyan dissident's son last night, I met the author at Havana Central ten minutes ago. New York, a city where surprise is part of everyday life indeed.展开全文 原微博
Manski deserves a Nobel prize //@武装起来的牛魔王: 订了几本连看带送人//@兰小欢: 读了。若你受过大学教育, 若你对夸夸其谈各种政策后果的人心存疑虑:他们凭什么那么斩钉截铁?若你尊重知识的局限和世界的不确定性,这是最好的自我教。从经验数据中评估理论和政策有种种局限,作者可能是这星球上对展开全文
charles manski的新书《Public Policy in an Uncertain World:Analysis and Decisions》, 2.14就上市了,早早在amazon上预订了。@社会学谢宇, Have you read the manuscript? How was it? 6 years since the last book, I hope he has some new insights to share.转发 1评论 0