If you wanna say you are the boss and sb else is the last, you can say"listen, In my turf, (if we are the Jackson Five), i'm Michael Jackson, you are Tito" 在我的地盘里,我是真正的老大,你不过是空气罢了In America, JF is a household group name, Tito is the oldest but uncool number展开全文
"Ops" are short form of operations or operatives like spy or special forces operatives like Marine SEAL, Marine Force Recon and Delta Force in U.S. They are really tough and cool guys and usu have a very tight and short hair. You can tell immediately by their haircuts 特种兵,特工展开全文
"a snap" is 响指 sth very fast and easy "u do sth in a snap" means to do it easily, quickly and no trouble at all. 小菜一碟,易如反掌 ,不费吹灰之力"wow, u finished that project in a snap! i'm impressed with ur work" "oh, don't worry! i'll pick up English in a year. it's a snap"展开全文
"hectic" when a situation is ~, it means very busy."how a u doing, man? well, it's been a really ~ week" "hi, honey, things at work are too hectic now. call me later. bye." "a figure of speech" means”打个比方“ “i died laughing is ~” "i jst said that it was like a tank. it's~"展开全文