祝学院评委们今晚好运。(《纽约客》每日漫画专栏,8月25日) Didn't see that coming... A Lannister always pays his debts. 《Community 废柴联盟》到底还是被NBC砍了。以我的直觉,这事儿还没完。 tatafriends.com/rockbandicons/ 这集笑点超密集,在你「看全了前11季&知道《That '70s Show》剧情&了解Ashton Kutcher和Mila Kunis(甚至Demi Moore)的关系」的情况下。 Elsa Peretti,by Helmut Newton,1975 Tina Fey by Mario Testino, Vogue March 2010 by Christopher Moloney 昨天HBO放了18张第四季人物海报(🔗 网页链接 http://weibo.com/1245856511/AysNJb8wW)其中并未出现Stannis Baratheon的身影,结果他却成了reddit上最火的角, 大家不但给他P了一张“官方”海报(左图),还补了一张“官方”注释(右图) Sophia Loren & Jane Mansfield VS Julie Bowen & Sofia Vergara 25th annual Producers Guild of America (PGA) Awards Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)- Official Featurette 🔗 网页链接 #不在棚里的动画配音 见此图,颅内顿时响起一阵旋律:“Walter and Jesse in the eve~~ning~” 音调就是那个《Community》的“Troy and Abed in the mor~~ning~” Six Decades of the Most Popular Names for Girls.gif(53帧) 🔗 网页链接 「13新剧检阅」NBC《The Blacklist》,FBI匹出一专案组陪Reddington玩儿过家家的故事。就像老禅师调教迷茫青年一样,“梗在手跟我走”,尤其是Diego Klattenhoff那个猴儿一样的角色,得被耍到死为止。算了吧,我更想看看这款毛发稀疏、肥头大耳的James Spader能吸引多少新观众。 展开全文 Vince Gilligan这老奸贼钟爱逆着观众的意愿玩儿!全球毒粉都认为他会在大结局时用片头曲完整版结束一切,丫的在倒数第二集片尾就用了。 🔗 网页链接 #这视频没剧透,当曲儿听吧。 🔗 网页链接 ......For souding like a motivational poster written by jesse on breaking bad. 🔗 网页链接 ( ̄▽ ̄)" Pokemon/Game of Thrones Sigils 12P→ 🔗 网页链接 《纸牌屋》风格的《绝命毒师》片头 🔗 网页链接 #AbsofuckinglutelyAwesome How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Promo 🔗 网页链接 This is the start of something dark. #有点儿像宽版的布兰妮 🔗 网页链接 J妞美得略霸气啊~RT@ ajcookofficial:Falls hottest accessory. #FoamFinger 【21 “Breaking Bad” Easter Eggs That Will Blow Your Mind】这是一篇深度解读《绝命毒师》的总结帖,内含海量剧透,甚至望“剧”生义。=======================一条分割线=================================================二条分割线... --发布到微刊《欧美剧赏析》🔗 网页链接 展开全文 #followmeto Hotel Du Cap-Eden-Roc with @ yourleo. More information about our latest shoots and backstage images on Facebook.com/followmeproject 🔗 网页链接 展开全文 RT@ annakendrick47:How I feel about having a song in the billboard top ten for five weeks. #ItDefiesLogic 🔗 网页链接