#前途道早安#Bad life to a certain extent will be better, because it cannot be worse. So we should do a man of a sunshine in your heart. ------生活坏到一定程度就会好起来,因为它无法更坏。所以我们应该做一个心中有阳光的人。展开全文
#前途道晚安#Remember the five simpl e rules to be happy:Free your heart fr om hatred.Free your mind from worrie s.Live simply.Give more.Expect less——通往幸福的五条简单法则:释放心中憎恨 ;不要过分忧虑;活得随意点;付出多一 些;期待少一点。亲们,晚安! 展开全文
#前途道早安#Dance as though no one is watching you; love as though you have never been hurt before; sing as though no one can hear you; live as though heaven is on earth——舞蹈吧,就像在无人境地;去爱吧,就像从未被伤害;歌唱吧,就像没人能听到你;生活吧,就像天堂在人间。早安!展开全文
#前途微分享#也许说Hakkasan是纽约最顶级中餐会引起争议,但其食材的新鲜度,厨师的专业度,菜系味道的还原度,以及与西方文化的结合度,在纽约绝对是首屈一指。从几块钱的Dim Sum纯素小点,到$295一道的鱼子酱北京烤鸭,无不令人惊艳。难怪一年内势不可挡全球餐厅排名60。 via Vivienne得瑟小妖怪展开全文