#中国电影协会颁奖晚会#冯小刚说导演这一行最折磨人的是bleep 「It was being broadcast, with a delay, over the Chinese Web, and somewhere in the control booth the censor on scene hit the button just in time to make his sentence “that torment is [bleep].” Point made」展开全文
1895年的四月,王爾德以有傷風化俗罪被告上法庭,被問到" What is the love that dare not speak its name?" 王曰大衛,曰約拿單,曰柏拉圖,曰米開朗琪羅,曰莎士比亞。誰說Talking the talking is not as good as walking the walk!王先生不管做沒做,扯破嗓子就能無罪釋放! 🔗 网页链接展开全文
#P&P bicentenary# 之二 沒有奧斯丁,就沒有艾略特 ‘So without Austen, no Eliot—and even if the debt is sometimes obscured, it continues to resonate through Eliot’s own evolution.’--- Rebecca Mead from the New Yorker 🔗 网页链接展开全文