To finish my graduation thesis, I have read many papers and stories, one idea just came out and attacked me——I want to be one of the powerful young men, to drive social change, fulfill social mission. We can do much more than any other generation in the few years.展开全文
【环球社会创新纪实计划】第一部预告片出炉!8个月前,我背包上路,1个人,3大洲,13个国家,20多个城市,采访了超过50名社会企业家与创新者。我希望通过记录和分享这些积极改变世界的故事,让更多中国年轻人认识社会创新,正视自己的潜能,be a change maker,让世界变得更好。🔗 网页链接展开全文