在US,吃喝玩乐皆学问.吾现在从逛店开始对美国进行field trip考察(Macy's, Bed Both &beyond,hollister )what is culture?文化即生活---柴米没盐将瓷醋茶美酒加咖啡,family life--夏天野餐野营帆船秋冬holiday season, 从感恩节到圣诞节, family party...,他们:Hard work, harder play! better life...展开全文
The everyday alchemy of creating of food for the body and the mind. This 17th-century wood cut compare the alchemical work of the bee and the scholar, who transform nature's raw material into honey and knowledge. Whenever we cook we become practical chemists.drawing on the...展开全文 原微博
清华,你说你的百年梦想是创建世界一流大学,一块红布蒙着你双眼也蒙着了天,你说你看见了幸福,我却看见朱令的天空早已坍塌;清华,你说要发现宇宙奥秘做世界一流研究,你却发现不了你的完美女生如何被铊毒!清华,你的校训是行用于言,你却在朱令事件上不言不语不做不行!清华,Do you think we are all Idiot?展开全文 原微博
On Feb. 5, Hai-Lung Dai was appointed provost and senior vice president for academic affairs ... Dai has taken advantage of his running start in the Office of the Provost. ---Provost Hai-Lung Dai lays out priorities for Temple academics@民间科学家王鸿飞🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
立即晕倒Date: April 30,2013 National Academy of Sciences Members and Foreign Associates ElectedShiYigong; Endowed Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and dean, School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China再次晕倒我的啊,你为何这样happy?展开全文
Great Gatsby七: Vogue--May, Cover Look--Daisy's Day Carey Mulligan in an Oscar de la velet dress. Headpiece created by Juliend'Ys. Tiffany&Co. diamond earrings and necklace. The Great Gatsby Collection by Tiffany&Co. diamond-and -pear hand ornaments.展开全文 原微博
The Christian life is a joyful life. Christianity was never meant to be something to make people miserable. the ministry of Jesus Christ was one of joy. the Bible teaches that a life of inward peace and outward victory is a Christians birthright. ---Billy Graham展开全文 原微博