#spn1003# 这集虐哭我了TAT感觉这次的冲击绝对要比以前的小打小闹来的带感,开始有点期待了!不过CROWLEY是有多痴迷于丁丁啊,米米你要加油啦!但是,我好喜欢现在的局面啊啊啊啊最后的感觉有种说不出来的。。。暧昧#j2# 2014 TCA (credit to andreademill)#罗斯福游戏# 看完了都不知道为毛要把商战跟棒球放在一起,但是不妨碍这个剧的出彩,非常带感的逆转商战题材。只是,看完后也依然搞不清楚棒球这种神奇的运动,完全不明白他们在比什么o(╯□╰)o 还有必须吐槽现在看日剧超不方便的,放在B站分那么多P简直折磨死人了。。。PS:万田小哥长的好可口展开全文 #spn# daniela chiusa @serendipityhope 2m All the efforts you’ve put into creating scrapbooks for us and the guys is so heartwarming and we’ve all loved that!展开全文 #jensen# 好配合!(GIF, credit to nataliedormier)看看头发有多长了,可惜尺只有30cm完全不够量!!!晚上去剪头发[拜拜] #j2# (credit to i-think-i-m-adorable)#j2# (credit to wellcometothedarkside)#j2# The BEST pic so far of J2 dancing! (credit to kylynn89)【每日推荐】虎穴龙谭 by 木瑭 现代黑帮文,冷淡稳重攻X忠犬坚韧受。并不长的文反而看起来很顺,即使故事有曲折有狗血但是简单明了毫不拖沓,长文看多了偶尔看到这样的文还是感觉不错的。设定很戳我萌点,而且,真的不是我的错觉啊,这对CP绝对有沈谢既视感! 🔗 网页链接 #j2# Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki shoot a scene for Supernatural in Chinatown, Vancouver, Canada - March 26th, 2014 (credit to hqceleb)#j2# Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki filming Supernatural on Monday March 24th in Vancouver, Canada. (credit to candiceaccola)#spn# 哈哈哈这集究竟是要讲什么(GIF, credit to crowleesi)在家看剧看到一半被celine挖出来,去了永康路吃好吃的薯条! 那条路上老外超多,很热闹。还有礼物收,又吃又拿的[馋嘴]然后她又把上次一起看电影的朋友叫出来三个人继续吃羊肉面看电影。。。明天还要上班的人感觉略苦逼,又要精神不济了[打哈气]宠物店的猫和柯基老可爱的,柯基没拍到! #spn# 第三季那会儿多有爱呀。。。(GIF, credit to electricmonk333)#sherlock# That’s what happened after the HLV ending C: (GIF, credit to green-eyedghostgreen-eyedghost) 点无数个赞!跟之前那个是一套的!#古剑奇谭二# 矮油到底是谁比较傲娇如果不是怕剧透我应该现在就会开始找文看了好期待~自从苏兰之后就觉得看游戏的同人也是十分带感的!这次又是同类型的CP啊,不错不错,我果然很爱冰山面瘫攻X话痨人妻受#sherlock# The name’s Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221B Baker Street (credit to orphandarkwhite)查看全文>>#sherlock# #the hobbit# hey hey john joooohn look at me please am i pretty? JOHN wait oh shi~ (credit to ourtrinitystuff) 哈哈哈哈不晓得说什么好了。。。#sherlock# "We’re working on it. We’re working on dates," producer Sue Vertue assured the room, while her husband, Sherlock co-creator Moffat, promised "We’ll get them made as quickly as we can". 🔗 网页链接 这是真的吗,不用等两年了吗展开全文