#Fan Bingbing#范冰冰的时代才刚刚开始——The Moon & The Sun——Australia attracts The Moon & the Sun——Pierce Brosnan, Bill Nighy and Fan Bingbing are attached to star in The Moon & the Sun, a Hollywood film which will shoot in Australia and France.——🔗 网页链接展开全文
来自原罪的恶,一个悖论,一个很好的寓言——《香水Perfume: The Story of a Murderer 》(2006/德/法/西/美) 导演:汤姆·提克威( Tom Tykwer)主演: 本·卫肖 、艾伦·瑞克曼 、达斯汀·霍夫曼 ,插曲:Prologue - The Highest Point http://t.cn/zlPB1mz,《Lost Love》- 🔗 网页链接
最后的反击The Last Counterattack,书名是机翻的吧//@江烈农: Going by the online pseudonym "the Old Staff Officer," he told FP in an interview conducted over the Chinese messaging service QQ that he "enjoys the feeling of letting [his] imagination fly." 哈哈哈QQ怒刷存在感。展开全文
#brennan nowfashion# Fan Bingbing In Chris by Christopher Bu – ‘Emperor’ Cannes Film Festival Press Junket——红毯网对冰冰姐一定是真爱,衣服套套不落,这个发布会卜大自家衣服都贴出来了——其他的红毯女星就没这待遇了——中西都没有这待遇——没这待遇——没有