3.yesterday's news , 4.mercy mercy me , 5.lovely day , 8.waltz for koop 10.i wish your love 但不喜欢6.倒带人生 , 7.飘 两首的版本。其余仍旧待熟。 //@绿绿斜阳: 《No Surprise》超级赞 还有十一首依旧不熟展开全文
如果說,「音樂是讓情感相遇的頻道」,那麼,不妨和我一起進入爵士頻道,好好聊聊....聊他個七七四十九天吧! People say, ”Music is a channel where feelings and emotions meet”. Then, why don't you meet me in JAZZ CHANNEL ? We can share as much as we want…until all the monsters die !展开全文