一名華人女子因涉嫌26日在華府林肯紀念堂等多處華盛頓國家地標景點建築上潑油漆,已在29日遭警方逮捕,被以控破壞公共財物罪名。華府警方表示,他們是在華盛頓國家大教堂(Washington National Catherdral)內的一處祈禱室內逮捕這名58歲的女子田佳美(Jiamei Tian,音譯)。警方研判此女為無家可歸的遊民展开全文 原微博
While analysts doubt the potency of the North’s arsenal, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel responded Wednesday that the North’s recent inflammatory language and actions presented “a real and clear danger” to the interests of South Korea, Japan and the United States展开全文 原微博
Bo Jiang, a former NASA contractor accused of lying to federal agents, will be released on supervised probation. U.S. Magistrate Judge Lawrece Leonard said Wednesday the government has not provided evidence that Jiang is a flight risk nor that he is a danger to society.展开全文 原微博