//@DesignContinuum: Continuum上海急需2名全职实习生,要求:1.建筑、室内设计或环境设计研究生或同等资历;2.熟练使用AutoCAD、SketchUp和ID;3.操作Rhino/3D Studio Max;4.中英文交流,中文读写能力佳;5.擅用图形化手段清晰有效地传递信息。有意速发portfolio至shanghai@continuuminnovation.com展开全文
Continuum上海急需2名全职实习生,要求:1.建筑、室内设计或环境设计研究生或同等资历;2.熟练使用AutoCAD、SketchUp和Indesign;3.操作Rhino/3D Studio Max;4.中英文交流,中文读写能力佳;5.擅用图形化的手段清晰有效地传递信息。有意的童鞋请速将portfolio发至shanghai@continuuminnovation.com。转发 1评论 0
Epub-tools is a collection of open source (BSD) tools for generating and managing EPUB documents, including conversions from: Word, RTF, DocBook, TEI, FictionBook Developers are encouraged to try out the tools and implement them in their own projects.展开全文 转发 1评论 0
Epub-tools is a collection of open source (BSD) tools for generating and managing EPUB documents, including conversions from: Word, RTF, DocBook, TEI, FictionBook Developers are encouraged to try out the tools and implement them in their own projects.展开全文 原微博