//@上海环球雅思于君星: 6月15日雅思写作题目精准版:Some people think the family is the most powerful influence on child's development. Others,however, believe that other things(television, friends, music, etc.)have bigger effects.展开全文
2013年6月15日亚太地区雅思A类写作Task 2: Family influence vs external influence on children's development.(火速送上例文。2009年10月8日亚太区A类旧题重考。完全命中我上个月公园前月讲座发的写作预测Brainstorming List! 今天出战的同学有复习到吗?)
China has been racking its brains on how to combat the economic slowdown, but it should pay more attention to……the drop in its working-age population.绞尽脑汁(rack one's brains) 促进经济还不如解决工作人口(working-age population)下降的问题。CHINA DAILY展开全文 原微博