DS❀DSH✿钻石回归贺图✿ 绘:S【轉載請註明原出處,勿二改去LOGO.Please do not edit the pictures, and take out with the full credit 2차 가공을 금지합니다. 퍼가실땐 항상출처를 표기해주세용】站内请戳→🔗 网页链接展开全文
DS❀DSH✿钻石回归贺图❀130623亚洲梦想杯慈善球赛 拍摄:jar& 吓小葵 修图:咪&温【轉載請註明原出處,勿二改去LOGO.Please do not edit the pictures, and take out with the full credit 2차 가공을 금지합니다. 퍼가실땐 항상출처를 표기해주세용】展开全文
DS❀DSH✿钻石回归贺图❀130628中韩歌会 拍摄:橘子 修图:咪【轉載請註明原出處,勿二改去LOGO.Please do not edit the pictures, and take out with the full credit 2차 가공을 금지합니다. 퍼가실땐 항상출처를 표기해주세용】站内请戳→🔗 网页链接展开全文
DS❀DSH✿钻石回归贺图❀130701香港巨蛋音乐节【轉載請註明原出處,勿二改去LOGO.Please do not edit the pictures, and take out with the full credit 2차 가공을 금지합니다. 퍼가실땐 항상출처를 표기해주세용】[愿你笑容美好 永无悲伤]站内请戳→🔗 网页链接展开全文
DS❀DSH✿钻石回归贺图❀130511Dream Concert【轉載請註明原出處,勿二改去LOGO.Please do not edit the pictures, and take out with the full credit 2차 가공을 금지합니다. 퍼가실땐 항상출처를 표기해주세용】站内请戳→🔗 网页链接展开全文
DS❀DSH✿钻石回归贺图❀130608日山签名会【轉載請註明原出處,勿二改去LOGO.Please do not edit the pictures, and take out with the full credit 2차 가공을 금지합니다. 퍼가실땐 항상출처를 표기해주세용】站内请戳→🔗 网页链接展开全文
DS❀DSH✿钻石回归贺图❀130608日山签名会 【轉載請註明原出處,勿二改去LOGO.Please do not edit the pictures, and take out with the full credit 2차 가공을 금지합니다. 퍼가실땐 항상출처를 표기해주세용】(3张图片) 🔗 网页链接展开全文
DSH✿121101 武汉国际青年嘉年华彩排 摄:@Yx-krystal 修:Rien [孩子们傻呆呆的听...林偶吧讲啥...]【轉載請註明原出處,勿二改去LOGO.Please do not edit the pictures, and take out with thefull credit 2차가공을 금지합니다.퍼가실땐 항상출처를 표기해주세용】展开全文
DiamondStarHan前线应聘公告 本站招收长期居住工作学习或者经常能去EXO常去国家和地区的前线.DiamondStarHan is now looking for fronts that live or study in cities or countries which EXO often go.详见附图~有意者私信皮下=v=求扩散哦!展开全文