【Where In SH答案揭晓】http://t.cn/zTw4a8i(7/2)魔都四景:1.Dishui Lake 滴水湖 2.Shanghai Railways Museum on Tianmu Road E. 上海铁路博物馆 3.At the crossroads of Beijing Road E. and Yuanmingyuan Road 北京东路圆明园路 4.Shanghai Soap Factory on Yangshupu Road 上海制皂厂,杨树浦路展开全文
【跟着镜头体会——人在纽约】这是一位叫做Brandon Stanton的摄影师,他是美国80后,离开证券工作花3年走遍纽约,每天在街上拉着陌生人拍照、聊天。他在FB上开了个Humans of New York的账号,一张照片,配上一段话,讲述他们自己关于爱,友谊和人生的故事。 🔗 网页链接 via@假装在纽约展开全文
【用英语说流行热词】北京庆丰包子铺因习主席的光顾火了。当日习主席吃的二两包子、一碗炒肝及一盘芥菜成为热点菜谱,名为"主席套餐"。 President Xi Jinping was spotted queuing up, ordering and paying for a lunch at a bun shop in Beijing. His order becomes a popular hit in the eatery.查看全文>>展开全文
【用英语说流行热词】你身边有"暗香型女性"吗?她们看似低调实则高明,以气质及细腻的技巧取胜,比"花枝招展型"更能赢得同事好感。Some female office workers are popular with colleagues mostly because they keep a low profile though they are professionally sophisticated & tastefully polished.展开全文
【用英语说流行热词】心理学研究发现,人们普遍认为一个人在视频里的样子会比视频截图看起来更美,并称之为"冻脸效应",这就解释了为什么人们往往认为真人会比上镜漂亮。 It refers to the phenomenon that many people will look better in a playing video clip than in a still grab of the video.
【Where In SH答案揭晓】http://t.cn/zTw4a8i(9/1)魔都六景:1.Huashan Hospital 华山医院 2.Tibet Mansion 西藏大厦 3.A chimney tower in Xujiahui Park 徐家汇公园大烟囱 4.Metro Line 7 地铁7号线 5.Pierone Hotel 上海壹号码头精品酒店 6.IAPM 上海环贸广场iapm商场,你都答对了吗?展开全文
【用英语说流行热词】研究发现,手机用户在手机丢失、没电、余额不足或不在服务区时会感到焦虑不安,这叫"nomophobia无手机焦虑症",是no-mobile-phone phobia的缩写。你有这症状吗?It's shortened from "no-mobile-phone phobia," or the anxiety that users have once out of mobile phone contact.展开全文
【Where In SH答案揭晓】http://t.cn/zTw4a8i(8/25)魔都五景:1.Union Church新天安堂2.Shanghai Workers Culture Palace上海工人文化宫3.Magnetic levitation train Longyang Rd Station龙阳路磁悬浮4.Confucius Temple上海文庙5."Tree of Knowledge" in front of Shanghai Library上海图书馆智慧树展开全文
【用英语说流行热词】上班族们工作一段时间后是不是觉得很疲惫呢?不妨按摩头皮或是深呼吸来让"大脑排毒brain detox"吧,可以提高工作效率哦~Many office workers try to relax their brain and improve function with scalp massage, deep breathing, and acupressure after working for a long time.展开全文
【用英语说流行热词】炒股票的朋友,你知道乌龙指吗?指股票交易员、操盘手、股民等,在交易时不小心敲错价格、数量、买卖方向等。A sudden surge of Shanghai stocks recently was initially blamed on a fat-finger glitch but was later attributed to design flaws in the order execution system.展开全文
【用英语说流行热词】有些人对别人总是有求必应,哪怕自己力有不逮或因此受苦也不懂拒绝。这种过分取悦他人的"友善病kindness illness" 极易让人迷失自我。小伙伴们,千万别做“烂好人”哦~Some people are just way too kind to say no to requests from anyone, losing themselves in the process.展开全文
【用英语说流行热词】研究发现,沉迷于使用微博等社交网站的用户体重指数普遍高于轻度使用者,而这也催生了新词汇—微博肥胖social media obesity. People who spend long time on social media sites tend to be overweight or obese, researchers at Columbia University in the United States found.展开全文
【用英语说流行热词】香水、护肤品不再是女性的专利,男女消费的鸿沟在渐渐淡化,"反性别消费unisex consumption "正成为一道独特的都市消费风景哦。Consumption is reported to be less&less sex-oriented in a modern world, with men&women buying products traditionally used by the other sex. 展开全文
【Where In SH答案揭晓】http://t.cn/zTw4a8i(7/14)魔都五景:1.Shanghai Global Harbor上海环球港 2.1933 1933老场坊 3.SIntersection of Guangyuan Road W. and Leshan Road 广元西路乐山路 4.Garden Bridge 外白渡桥 5.Fengjing Town 枫泾古镇。您答对了吗?展开全文
【齐白石,给你的不仅仅是“虾”】以画虾闻名的齐白石,还能给你更多!卷心菜、南瓜、青菜...统统都惟妙惟肖。水墨画爱好者们,今天开始齐大师各个时期水族、花鸟、花卉草虫等书画在陆俨少艺术院免费展出,可别错过呦 Exhibition of Qi's art explores beauty of simplicity 🔗 网页链接展开全文