[FAN ACC] 130316 EXO-K @ Korean Music Wave in Bangkok "Sehun asked people what does 'Married' means because he didn't understand why it was on hunhan banner" via: PlusMatra展开全文 原微博
[INFO] EXO-K Flight Scedule to Thailand. March,15 via Thai Airways TG657. Depart from Incheon at 21:25PM. Arrival (BKK) on Mar,16 at 01:20PM. [cr:EXOCastle]展开全文 原微博
Yesterday (130310) a fan asked Kim Himchan, "Is your relationship with EXO's Junmyeon (Suho) good?" and he answered, "He's a friend.""(Cr:bIemish)展开全文 原微博
[INFO]EXO M flight for Superjoint Concert check from pic pls. cr:LEMON_EYOUNG ..All EXO-M members booked tickets since 18 Feb 2013 .But Kris just booked it last 24 Feb.展开全文
[130225 SM Building] Chanyeol forgot to press the button to open the door, and panicked while resting his head on the door. cr: xxxsama via: exonyeoshidae展开全文 原微博
[FANACCOUNT] Tao was once asked if he agreed to take a walk with a Chengdu girl (in China, Chengdu is known to have the most beautiful women), and Tao said yes. Then Kris said "We'll need to talk tonight". Tao stuck out his tongue mischievously. cre : Kristao baidu;EXOGlobal展开全文 原微博
[FANACC] 130124 Fan asked SNSD who are they closest to in EXO-K during today's fansign: Sooyoung - Suho, Hyoyeon - Kai, Fany - Suho (followed by kyungsoo, chanyeol, sehun), Taeyeon - Baekhyun cont.(🔗 网页链接展开全文