#Hello,新美春天咖啡#Have you ever thought that if a link from the life in the past, there was a little bit of change is now of oneself is another. -----你是否想过,如果人生过去的某个环节发生一点点变化,是否现在的自己是另外一个模样。 早安,@新美春天咖啡展开全文
#Hello,新美春天咖啡#And leave only really able to understand and know have lost, can really understand what is and. -----你只有真正能够明白懂得了失去和离别,才能够真的明白什么是得到和拥有。 早安, @新美春天咖啡展开全文 原微博
#View,新美春天咖啡#:【一张图了解常见咖啡配方】Mochaccino(摩卡奇诺) Americano(美式咖啡) Espresso (意式特浓咖啡)Macchiato(玛琪雅朵) Cappuccino(卡布奇诺) Hot Chocolate(热可可) Au Lait(欧蕾咖啡) Latte(拿铁)。(图摘自网络)喜欢请收听@新美春天咖啡展开全文