Just finished today's shooting. Thanks to Tommie Copper's team, and specially thanks to Anna! 原微博 杰拉德leon
热死我了!![太阳][衰] 原微博 杰拉德leon
每个人都有不同的个性,有时很难让一只狮子和一只猫在一起,不吵架。。但是可能他们彼此相爱,所以狮子会变得越来越软,猫会变得越来越强。这样他们才能幸福生活在一起 原微博 杰拉德leon
老婆我错了,如果不是跟你一起,我再也不会去酒吧,再也不会惹你生气让你伤心。。@郭美美Baby 原微博 杰拉德leon
I have known you for a long time and I trust you. For me nothing is important but you, and I don't care about anything else. It is amazing how the most unexpected person can become the most important thing in your life... Happy Valentines day. I love you @郭美美Baby 展开全文原微博 杰拉德leon
@郭美美Baby 原微博 杰拉德leon
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@郭美美Baby [兔子][兔子][兔子] 原微博