听过Ironman, 您听过Irongirl吗? 这项赛事从2004年的2场比赛,现在已经发展到了一年18场赛事;其中包含5K, 10K, 半马,两项赛以及三项赛。Irongirl为更多女性提供了竞技平台以及健康的生活方式。 Go ahead and find your inner Grace! @bingying@村里来的方方
Fastelavn kage, 查了wiki知道了为什么这天人们要把黑猫打出桶来。。。原来都是迷信--"Historically there was a real black cat in the barrel, and beating the barrel was superstitiously considered a safeguard against evil. ",听同事说那黑猫可能还真被打死了。。。迷信!愚昧!幼稚!展开全文
Fastelavn kage, 查了wiki知道了为什么这天人们要把黑猫打出桶来。。。原来都是迷信--"Historically there was a real black cat in the barrel, and beating the barrel was superstitiously considered a safeguard against evil. ",听同事说那黑猫可能还真被打死了。。。迷信!愚昧!幼稚!展开全文