Remember, keep a positive attitude, and good things will happen——记住,保持乐观的心态,好事自然会发生。——《摩登家庭》 【影视经典台词】From now on, I'm gonna say yes--yes to love, yes to adventure, yes to life, whatever it maybe, the answer 39;s going to be yes——这从今天起,我要积极接受一切,接受爱,接受挑战,拥抱生活,不管什么事,我都会勇敢地去接受。——《生活大爆炸》 展开全文 A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often and realize how fortunate you are right now. 好的生活就是不瞎想,做得多,要得少,常微笑,懂知足。 展开全文 Life is about appreciating what you have and waiting patiently for what you will get. ——人生就是要能珍惜自己所拥有的,耐心等待将要得到的。 Tumblr上的帖子,脑补了一下画面感,有点萌... 有人说英语Complete和Finish是一个意思,老师反驳道:你娶了正确的人,You are complete; 你娶了错误的人,You are finished——你娶了正确的人,但却和错误的人偷欢,还被逮了,You are completely finished。转 Life is often playing jokes on us. What you’re expect will far away from you and you will be hurted by the person held tightly by yourself——生活时常和我们开着玩笑,你期待什么,什么就会离你越远;你执着谁,就会被谁伤害得最深。 展开全文 【各种水】salary 薪水;soda water 汽水;shampoo 洗发水;gluewater 胶水;perfume 香水;makeup remover 卸妆水;ink 墨水;mineral water 矿泉水;toner 爽肤水;distilled water 蒸馏水;purified water 纯净水;rainwater 雨水;sweat 汗水;flood 洪水(转)轻松学英语,关注@英语围脖 展开全文 The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going——清楚自己要去哪的人,全世界都会为他让路。 - Ralph Waldo Emerson Beauty grabs attention; personality grabs the heart! ——美貌抓人眼球,个性俘获人心。 Be what you want to be, not what others want to see——做你自己想做的,而不是别人想看到的。 Life is like angry birds.There are always several pigs laughing when you lose——人生就像愤怒的小鸟,当你失败时,总有几头猪在笑! I want to refresh my mind, delete all my problems, undo all my mistakes, and save all the happy moments——我想刷新自己的思维,删除自己的毛病,撤销犯下的错误,保存所有欢乐的时光。 展开全文 Life isn't so easy as it seems, but it's not so difficult as we think——生活不似看上去那般容易,但也没有我们想象的那么难。 【英语中常用的123个成语】这些你都知道吗?不会就收藏吧。。。 轻松学英语,关注@英语围脖 【看英国人如何说英音跟美音】太有才了!既标准又搞笑哦!你喜欢英音~还是美音呢? 🔗 网页链接 轻松学英语,关注@英语围脖 【女孩化妆盒】1. lip gloss唇彩2.blusher腮红3.nail polish指甲油 4. eyeliner眼线笔5. eyebrow pencil眉笔6. mascara睫毛膏7. pressed powder 粉饼8.eye shadow眼影 remover卸妆水10.face mask面膜11.liquid foundation粉底液 <转> 展开全文 留学生经典语录……看得我快要笑抽……均是经典……英语不好的……要好好看了……(来自人人博客) 【各种舞】街舞:street dance 民族舞:folk dance 芭蕾:ballet 踢踏舞:tap dance 爵士舞:jazz 脱衣舞:striptease 肚皮舞:belly dance 交谊舞:ballroom dance 拉丁舞:latin dance 草裙舞:hula 伦巴:rumba 探戈:tango 桑巴:samba 华尔兹:waltz 狐步:foxtrot 弗拉门戈:flamenco 迪斯科:disco 展开全文 网上热传,背单词的诀窍:首先Z,Y,X,Q,J,K,U,然后V,W,N,O,L,接着B,D或E,R或F,G或T,I或H,M,最后挑战BOSS:C,P,A,S,不久你会发现,在英语的世界里,单词会主动认识你。<转>PS.有用没用,试一下再说。 Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there——好朋友就像是星星。你不一定总是能见到他们,但你知道,他们会一直在那里。 《吸血鬼日记》幕后有趣视频:主演们讨论他们会和谁发生关系,嫁给谁或杀死谁。D想和所有的人发生关系然后杀死她们;大K想上E、娶芭比C再杀B,最后反复说" Marry Caroline“...好没节操的家伙~ (转)🔗 网页链接 太搞笑了!怎一个乱字了得!! 【奥黛丽·赫本珍贵纪录片】记录了奥斯卡影后奥黛丽.赫本(1929.5.4—1993.1.20)的一生,虽然没见过上帝,但是我们的确遇到了天使,她就是奥黛丽·赫本,人们敬仰的“天使般的女人”。 🔗 网页链接 <转> Life is like a cup of tea.It won't be bitter for a lifetime but for a short while anyway——人生如茶,不会苦一辈子,但总会苦一阵子。 【五险一金的英文表达】1. endowment insurance(养老保险);2. medical insurance(医疗保险);3. unemployment insurance(失业保险)4. work-related injury insurance(工伤保险)5. childbirth insurance(生育保险)6. housing accumulation funds(住房公积金)轻松学英语,关注@英语围脖 展开全文