The best way to purge yourself is to realize that anything that bothers you, is NOT YOU. It is your ego, your conditioned mind, your mind attached to the past and future. It is your mind that is not in the Moment. ---Sri Sri Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari @如熠pink-moon展开全文 原微博
When you are feeling stressed, remember that the one thing you can choose is your response. You can choose to react and resist, or you can choose to respond, and in so doing use this as an opportunity for deeper growth.---Sri Sri Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari @如熠pink-moon展开全文 原微博
No you don't have to stop your mind from its tendency to wander, just watch it impartially, as if you are looking out of the window at the clouds--- Sri Sri Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari @明奘禅师@如熠pink-moon 觉悟者不管是印度还是中国人说的都是一样的!心如晴空,乌云来来去去别纠缠展开全文 原微博
@离心-如芃@如熠pink-moon Faith, Faith in one's own self can move mountains. It is only when one loses faith in his indwelling Atman, the Self, that life is no longer a celebration.-----Sri Sri Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari 超人就是你自己!展开全文 原微博