Han多可爱啊[挖鼻屎]//@一笑悬命理科生樱日啝高三来战: 我又相信爱情了@难得风平浪静难得风和日丽 @白云有特殊技能重足而立 //@一树烟云0405: V5 原微博 难得风平浪静难得风和日丽
and I’d like to thank you once again for more than ten thousand likes on facebook and over 200 thousand fans on weibo, I hope you enjoy the rest episodes of the *#**# kiss, bye bye~~~~ #我真是丧心病狂。。# 展开全文原微博 难得风平浪静难得风和日丽
Hello, this is Yuki Furukawa.Fans outside of Japan, thank you for all of your wonderful support, I’ve received all the letters you send me#未完# 展开全文原微博