【音乐·新闻】#CNBLUE#世界巡回演唱会马来西亚站盛况空前。24日他们在马来西亚吉隆坡举行“2013 CNBLUE Blue Moon世界巡回Live”演唱会,4500名观众坐席全部卖尽,特别是现场还有许多男fan引起视线,演唱会上首次现场演唱郑容和创作的新歌《Feel Good》。此外,他们将于28日发行日本正规2辑.
Accidentally came across the artwork of Joshua Harker~ @在在d小善 I think this really suits ur man.....U can consider giving him this for the anniversary..haha #随手拍#展开全文
【from JPM FB】mineral water is not allowed, only drinks which buy from the venue is allowed. for camera, no long lens is allowed, tq 【no long lens is allowed... no long lens is allowed...means short lens ok?!! wooooooooooooooooooo~转发 1评论 0