yeah yeah yeah~~lee kwang soo, see u in hk!//@kkkya: @GermanGerman //@Kayananan-Chiu: 哇,果断前进~我要看长颈鹿//@纸鸢吾系肥鸢: 书展17号才开,难道木有得看?@Kayananan-Chiu 原微博 GermanGerman
@man姐-曾曼 manman,突然之間好掛住你個幅噶速寫啊!羊咩須個個呢~~影出黎黎懷念下啊~ 原微博 GermanGerman
我在這裡:#東莞#哈哈,一路向西吧@crazy_chloe 我在:长堤路 原微博 GermanGerman
1 benefit both physically and psychologically; 2 relaxing; 3 enables us to appreciate other sensual things and to be more passionate and perhaps even more compassionate; 4 enhance our perceptions of the world; 5 colors can be brighter and individual deiiferences more noticeable. 展开全文原微博