最近胡諾言為May姐有請拍外景的型look喇!戴左Lids的帽之後的胡諾言真係超~~~~~型呀! HK star Jack Wu wore Lids's hat on TV show of "Cook Away Lady May". He looks so smart! @胡诺言jack 展开全文原微博 Lids_HK
各位Lids粉絲 熱切期待的夏季大減貨開始喇!由8月1日起大部份產品包括新季貨品都有7折.所有Lids的分店都有特賣,快d來找個最潮的summer look型到盡喇! Summer Sale! 30% Less apply for most of products at Lids stores start from 1 Aug until further notice. Let's find a new look in this summer! 展开全文原微博