WExpress 100次会议的备稿演讲者Wendy@Wendy_冰冰 带来了一个有趣的话题:Laziness makes life better(懒惰让生活变得更好)。她慢条斯理地从全新的角度向大家证明,其实懒惰并不是坏事。演讲层次分明论据充足,语言幽默风趣,现场笑声、喝彩声不断。Wendy头一晚可是准备到1点多哦展开全文
好东西,谢谢Jack的分享!//@Jack_LD: As promised, I have summarized the most commonly used phrases for public presentations. Hope it helps. Cheers! Feel free to share it with other TMCs. Once again, congrats to @WExpressTMC on the ONLY 100th meeting!展开全文
Giving Presentations – Expressions and introductory phrases *Thank people for coming 1.Good morning/ afternoon etc. 2.I’d like to take the opportunity to thank you for coming here today… *Beginning and stating objectives 1.Right, let’s make a start. 2.Let