回复@笑鱼开很难: HBO Bill Maher的Real Time with Bill Maher我这里电视收不了,但也是网上有官方全集音频podcast的,还有60 minutes。其他还有啥,freakonomics, This American Life都不错。恶搞的还是强推The Bugle.展开全文
之前听NPR的Wait Wait Don't Tell Me,当期嘉宾有个摇滚歌星,一辈子住在出生的小乡村,老婆也是30年。主持人问你们如何维持关系。他很随意地说Well....I do what i like doing, and she does what she enjoys. Occasionally we get together and "do it" 一语双关。特别精妙。简直是婚姻关系教科书。转发 1评论 0
South Park主创参与制作的讽刺宗教的恶搞音乐剧The book of Mormon今年终于从百老汇来伦敦west end了。等开场ing.刚从地铁上来的时候看到扶梯两边墙上全是摩门教的宣传广告,看来是专门来和这音乐剧打擂台的。笑暴。 The likes of Romney are riiiiich!展开全文
How is this thing in Cyprus constitutional even? Dickhead country hold so much questionable russian black money. Only go after the >100K lot then. This is robbery and ECB and IMF think it's ok!展开全文 原微博
its not entirely about work ethics. it's partly due to ideology. greece is a poor version of capitalism and/or communism. they werent even effective fascists. you just dont know what they are. pretty sure it is more corrupted than Italy. disgraceful to let them join the EU.展开全文
The Economist shared a kind of 360 survey within European countries about their economic attitude on each other one day before Christmas Eve. I'd like to say ' Greece is a lovely country '展开全文
Who doesn't! and his friend Netanyahu would keep him busy in the ME instead of coming back to Asia Pacific.//@三星王二: I like Mitt the Mint.He may cut Americans as he cut jobs at Bain.Outsource Califonia to India, NY to SH. //@WenSquare: 回复@三星王二: Latinos hate Romney too.展开全文