Kerry Washington上Chelsea Lately提到上SNL的经历 看来是很开心啊 一直用"One of the best weeks of my life." "Have this most amazing dream."这种话来形容还说事后收到Oprah短信开玩笑说很喜欢她的Oprah 说前一周嘉宾Edward Norton事先邮件她提醒注意事项 还说她爹在观众席里她一听笑声就知道展开全文
In a recent interview that just came out, a former mistress of Bill Clinton's said that Hillary Clinton is bisexual. Today Bill Clinton said: it's true. When I want sex, Hillary says bye! 哈哈哈哈展开全文
真人秀太能刷下限 BB s15...借Alex的话"this is low, even for u"炒的火热的racism言论下那帮渣男开口闭口C word简直就不当回事 明知道live feed全天直播真一点自知都没么 借Lemon的话"disgusting sir, would you talk like that to ur mother, ur daughter or ur surgeon?"展开全文 原微博
Orange is the new black101看完,很不错.号称dramedy但明显drama占大头,小笑点还是不少的.知道对书做了大改编所以没太意外.正如主创说的,书缺少冲突但作为剧集需要有冲突,果然如此,书我看了1/4还是相当平静这头集就感觉很overwhelming啊~ 但是,至少头集看来,女主和前女友,演员太没chemistry了,选角失败
DeviousMaids故事有点塞太多吧...主线Marisol还是很有手段的,out of sight out of mind这种是用来劝人move on的啊前妻反而被威胁也太天真了吧...Susan Lucci的角色好的果然有理由但依然牵强,背景差不多的人一般三观比较接近才好相处啊看儿子和女佣一起真的觉得好么...Carmen还提到了我家Gloria嘻嘻~展开全文