I followed @JohnRoss431 for a short while in 2013 and soon sensed the English writing was not quite right. Then I compared his Weibo with his Twitter for the same period and came to the conclusion the two were not written by the same person at least from beginning 2013.展开全文
回复@CharlieYu的救赎: Chinese diet is no longer much different from Western countries, especially in large cities. It is the old concept that is doing the damage.展开全文
Not disagreeing with the gist of the blog, 16 degree is a perfect temperature for wearing short sleeves, especially for children. Most Chinese children wear way too much outside summer.展开全文
Or Positive Vibes. //@延飞5360: @hilarybackinchina@JohnRoss431 //@延飞5360: 从豆瓣看该词来自英国Richard Wiseman的Rip It Up: The Radically New Approach to changing your life但读美国AlanEieder的RuthFirst&JoeSlovo in the war against apartheid中真有a positive energy一词(p138)好的翻展开全文
Pastor Terry Jones was arrested as he drove a pickup truck towing a large barbecue style grill filled with kerosene-soaked Qurans to a park, where he had said he was planning to burn 2,998 of the books, 1 for each victim of the 9.11 terrorist attacks: 🔗 网页链接展开全文
Yes, Conan Doyle created Shelock Holmes in Portsmouth. You can also see more Doyle books and other archive collections in Portsmouth History Centre on the 2nd floor of Portsmouth Central Library. //@说Fiiii: 原来除了狄更斯,Portsmouth也是福尔摩斯的出生地~展开全文
What impressed me most was not their top of the range 沙头角 penthouse, though I doubt you will find many homes in 深圳that can beat theirs in quality, but how they managed to keep 3 generations of extended family living happily under the same roof, including both grandmas!展开全文
Today visited my late father's old friend and business partner。I last saw him and his family in 1988, on my way to England for the first time via Hong Kong. Today both his wife and himself are well known successful business man/woman in 深圳。
Yes. 67,000 households in Britain last year received state benefits more than £26,000 a year, UK's average working family income. //@江南陋士: I heard in the UK unemployed households collect more benefits than working households, especially those with more children, is this true?展开全文
I don't think England has managed to find solutions for "troubled families", those with multiple problems such as worklessness, truancy, drug and alcohol addiction, after decades of trying. The effectiveness of the latest initiatives remains to be seen. 🔗 网页链接
Portsmouth, a city with 200,000 population, has identified 555 such "troubled families". //@张鹤慈: 对付“问题家庭”应该说英国历届政府没少费心思,什么“城市挑战”、“社区新政”、“尊重运动”…结果都不了了之。但一个肯定的答案是,“问题家庭”的问题如不能有效对付,“问题家庭”会更多展开全文
@严锋 Great news for autistic children - this could be an excellent potential career direction: SAP hopes to recruit 100s people with autism as some are highly intelligent, with attention to detail and unique talents for information technology. BBC Report: 🔗 网页链接展开全文
A friend from London raved about the hire cars there, rentable at 35p per minute, which you can locate via the car2go website or a smartphone app. You can end the hires by parking it in any legal public parking spaces. Looks like it's now in Birmingham too: 🔗 网页链接展开全文
I remember seeing him singing with 程琳, who was 13 at the time I believe, but never expected them actually get together. //@李牧: 包容是一种美德啦,我这个当年地上滴,向车上滴先生致敬。//@春天的故事微博: @李牧 这位先生不只是程琳的老公,应该还是那次行动的主要领导人之一展开全文
Freemasonry is very much viewd in a similar light in England today by the men on the street, despite changes of government policies in recent years. //@乐吟西颜西颜: I first heard of this from Dan Brown's novel but I thought it was just a patchwork of legends, like Italian Mafia.展开全文
Freemasonry is considered a secret society in England whose members are believed to place their loyalties to each other above the law. My senior civil servant employment contract said I was not allowed to be a Freemason. //@乐淘李勇: 阴谋论很要不得。//@战争史研究WHS: 共济会不神秘展开全文
The words used are not bad either. I only spotted 1 use of "resolutely", a Chinese pet word but rarely used in England. The contents are as expected, what government reports are: a bit dry and empty. But with names & figures changed, I could have believed this was from England.展开全文
Its latitude 55N (哈尔滨46N), but warm & wet all year round, with the highest mountain, deepest and longest lakes in England. //@ascendancyst: The view is really nice and rural. I thought the lake district would be on some island near the equator but the trees suggested otherwis展开全文
I spent 7 days in Lake District with my late father, had a whirl tour of whole area before realising it was not a place to be rushed. I will go back one day when I can spare 3 months solid: rent a cottage deep in the forest, bring all the literature books I can find associated展开全文
I spent 7 days in Lake District with my late father, had a whirl tour of whole area before realising it was not a place to be rushed. I will go back one day when I can spare 3 months solid: rent a cottage deep in the forest, bring all the literature books I can find associated展开全文
【税务总局:个人大病医疗保险金须缴个税】In England, such medical insurance paid by a company is counted as salary for Income Tax calculations, unless salary<£8500 a year 🔗 网页链接 //@陈如是说: 依法征税,无可厚非 //@傅蔚冈: 脑子一下子还没转过弯来,@为群说税--上财 老师解展开全文 原微博
UK Government Advice: Coping with colds and flu: Colds and flu are caused by viruses. There are more than 200 common cold viruses and three types of flu virus with many different ... 🔗 网页链接 (使用新浪长微博工具发布 http://t.cn/zOXAaic)展开全文
I have no idea as I did not get involved in this kind of projects. A partially completed British NHS IT system costed £12,000,000,000,000. 🔗 网页链接 //@番薯1地瓜2: 12306的瞬间并发数太恐怖了,如果在英国做这样的电子商务网站,硬件、带宽、软件等总投资大概是多少?!展开全文
But in France, you sometimes go into public toilets where men and women queue in the same room, with the urinals in the corner or one side! //@星月成双: Most like public toilet~One I went into the WC for man,because it was too crowd in the WC for woman and it would be long time展开全文
Even when French men do go into public toilets, these toilets are often unisex, with urinals in view from everyone. I always found it uncomfortable though I know it should be the men who should feel embarrassed. //@星月成双: 不会吧?把严锋老师那么那么久以前的微博也能翻出来。真牛展开全文
Vast majority of colds are caused by viruses requiring no medical interventions. Doctors in England do not tend to treat colds in 1st 7 days. //@高山流水入翠微: 感冒也要区分情况吧,一般伤风感冒自己对付一下,如果病毒感冒还是到医院看看,遵嘱打针或吃药。都不看病,这医院不得关门?展开全文
My pay increased 20 times from 1990 (my first proper job in England) to 2000 (at the height of my private sector career). //@番薯1地瓜2: 我的工资是有5倍增长的,当然这和我个人的努力有很大关系 //@hilarybackinchina: My salary has more than doubled over the past 8 years.展开全文
Is Google misleading people inside China with "red herring"s ? I tried to search for "计划单列市". It warned me searches with "计划" were likely to be blocked by Chinese governemnt. I tried it and lost internet connection. But when I tried the same on Baidu, it worked fine.展开全文