121130 MAMA IN HONG KONG EXO 吳亦凡 金俊勉 #2013亦凡风顺##永远的守护suho##牛綿# 世界那麼大,卻偏偏把我們拉在一起,這大概是命運的安排。【都幾月幾號了怎麼還放mama的圖【你管我,mama都唱這麼久了不還在唱麼,我繼續吐mama的圖也不過份吧╮╯v╰╭展开全文
Nate news top cm: P.O. paid for all of their stage outfits from his own pockets and their staff worked for them with their own money. To make matters worse, their CEO basically ran away with the $70,000 he took from their parents.转发 1评论 0